The following products have been found matching your search "CF 40 rotatable flange": 215
Or did you mean: 40 70Х15Х2.5 FPM | sv 40 | RUVAC WH 4400 | Ecodry 40 | sv 40 bi | Dust Filters DN 16 KF to DN 40 | dn 40 cf | dn 40 cf
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Bolts and Nuts for DIN Collar Flanges
Material: Galvanized Steel 8.8
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Operating fluid: LEYBONOL LVO 120
Pumping speed (50 Hz): 40 m³/h
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Exhaust filter
with lubricant return AR 40-65
with lubricant return AR 40-65
Connection flange: DN 40 ISO-KF
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Exhaust filter
with lubricant return ARS...
with lubricant return ARS...
Connection flange: DN 40 ISO-KF
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